Includes new non-motor, palliative care, and treatment advances
A comprehensive new Canadian Guideline for Parkinson Disease, 2nd Edition, provides practical guidance for physicians, allied health professionals, people with Parkinson’s and families on disease management. CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal www.cmaj.ca) published the new guideline accompanied by an easy-to-reference infographic and podcast.
The protein alpha-synuclein works its way into cells occupying parts of the brain affected by Parkinson’s disease as well as those cells in other parts of the brain that remain healthy. This observation has led researchers like Maxime Rousseaux at the University of Ottawa to consider whether this protein’s presence is harmful or helpful. The research is made possible through a New Investigator Award from Parkinson Canada Research Program for $90,000 over 2 years. He intends to resolve this question with a search for the mechanism that leads to this protein toxicity in those brain cells. The result promises to shed new light on the connection between genetic mutations associated with Parkinson’s and the specific behaviour of this protein. |
At Laval University, PhD candidate Hélèna Denis is looking deep inside the blood cells of people with Parkinson’s disease. She is examining the connection between proteins linked to Parkinson’s and small pieces of cell membrane, called extracellular vesicles that can emerge from any cell. Her research is made possible through a Graduate Student Award from Parkinson Canada’s Research Program for $30,000 over 2 years. Eventually, her work could be used to accelerate diagnosis, identify the stages or progression of the disease, and test how well new treatments work.
Parkinson’s is the fastest growing neurological disease in the world. No matter at what age a person is diagnosed, receiving the news that you have Parkinson’s is frightening and life-changing. The average wait time to see a specialist for diagnosis of Parkinson’s in Canada is 11 months and in some regions the wait is 2+ years. Here is the story of uncertainly and discovery of one of the 100,000 Canadians living with Parkinson’s today. No two people experience Parkinson’s the same way and early and accurate diagnosis are critical for effective treatment and to maintain quality of life.
- 2019 Election Get Involved
Oct 8 Webinar *cancelled*
Oct 26 Dr. Stoessl in Saskatoon
Nov 9 Toronto
Nov 9 Dance for Parkinson Hamilton, ON
Nov 16 Dr. Stoessl London, ON
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Parkinson Canada
Anne Marie Gabriel, CAE
316 - 4211 Yonge St
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Phone: 416-227-9700
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