Walk with us this September at Canada’s only nationwide fundraiser for Parkinson’s.

Parkinson Canada SuperWalk: Moments

Across Canada, 10,000 participants walk together with a common goal: to show one another that they are not alone and to raise funds to support Canadians living with Parkinson's.

Each person participates for a different, and very personal reason. The videos on this page are just a few of the stories behind these reasons to walk.

No matter what tomorrow may bring, nothing will stop us from funding more research, more support and more advocacy for a disease that affects so many of us.

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Nos commanditaires:

Burnbrae Farms

Parkinson Canada

© Parkinson Canada
4211 Yonge Street
Suite 316
Toronto ON M2P 2A9

Numéro d’enregistrement d’organisme de bienfaisance 10809 1786 RR0001

Téléphone : 416-227-9700
Sans frais : 1-800-565-3000
Télécopieur : 416-227-9600

Parkinson Canada a obtenu l’agrément du Programme de normes d’Imagine Canada, témoignant de l’excellence dans cinq domaines fondamentaux : gouvernance du conseil d’administration, responsabilité financière et transparence, collecte de fonds, gestion du personnel et participation des bénévoles.

Parkinson Canada