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You can help, in 3 simple steps.

Step 1: Watch our videos

We want every Canadian to know what Parkinson's disease is and that it truly matters.

Your support matters.

We are asking for your help today in sharing these videos
and encouraging others to give, watch, and share them as well.

Parkinson's changes everything.
So can you.

Step 2: Give

Your gift changes lives.

Your gift means that Canadians have ongoing access to Parkinson's information and support services.

Your gift means that innovative research projects with the potential to improve treatment or find a cure receive funding.

Your gift means that healthcare professionals have access to specialized training and educational resources to recognize, diagnose, and treat individuals with Parkinson’s disease.

Your gift means that more movement disorder specialists are trained in Canada, helping to improve access to care.

You are making a better world possible
for people with Parkinson’s and their families.

Step 3: Share

Tell everyone.

Tell your friends,
family, co-workers,
classmates, and neighbours.

Encourage others to
Watch, Share & Give.

"Parkinson's changes everything."

Contact us

Email us for any additional questions about Parkinson's disease
and Parkinson Canada.

Or call toll free at 1 (800) 565-3000