Cannabis for Pain in Parkinson's Disease - Winnipeg, 2019
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
The United Church in Meadowood
1111 Dakota Street
Winnipeg, MB R2N 3T7
Dr. Tiago Mestre presents:
Cannabis for Pain in Parkinson’s Disease: The Research Perspective
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
The United Church in Meadowood
1111 Dakota Street
Winnipeg, MB R2N 3T7
Map Link
Dr. Mestre, the Co-Principal Investigator with Lead Investigator, Dr. Susan Fox, are conducting a pilot study to determine the safety of oils made from cannabinoids (THC and CBD) - the active compounds in marijuana. They are also exploring the potential benefit of cannabinoids for pain. We invite you to learn about the study and its potential implications for the future clinical use of cannabinoids. Dr. Mestre will respond to your questions following his presentation.
6:30: Check-in and Light Refreshments
6:50: Program Begins