Parkinson Canada SuperWalk is focused on keeping you active and engaged during challenging times of phsyical distancing

The resources that follow are designed to help inspire and encourage physical, intellectual and social activity during this period of physical distancing in response to the global outbreak of coronavirus(COVID-19). Parkinson Canada has a thorough action plan and collection of resources focused specifically on managing Parkinson's during this period.

Staying Active During Physical Distancing

The following resources are designed to encourage physical fitness - for personal well being, for managing Parkinson's, and as a means to inspire others to stay well, stay safe and stay moving.

In the video to the left, Dr. David Grimes shares the importance of just that for managing Parkinson's at this time. "Can a person living with Parkinson's go for walks [as it relates to any risks of COVID-19]?"

"I would absolutely recommend that that's a good thing I think none of us can stay inside and be sedentary for weeks on end and I think we can all see that this is something that's not going to end next week and so I think it is important that people still get outside get some fresh air obviously with the proper social distancing in place."

Walking with Parkinson's

Groups like walking with Parkinson’s are on hiatus right now, but we’re hopeful that everyone is able to stay active in their own way during this period.

Take a walk indoors, or respecting physical distancing consider getting outside to stay active. We’ll hope to all be together walking, soon. Watch their story here:

Watch Video

The Predictive Walk

A predicted walk essentially is a person predicting or guessing how long it's going to take them to walk a specific distance. For example, the walk around the block in your neighbourhood; or the length of your SuperWalk route (most are 1, 3 or 5km). Before you start, write down the time that you think it's going to take you. Let’s say you said five minutes, 55 seconds to walk the block. When you start, turn on a timer walk (or run, use your wheelchair, etc.) When you get to the start/finish line the time is stopped. Then, calculate the difference between the predicted time and the actual time. The focus is on technique, pace, and most of all just staying active.

Watch our Lance Letain share details.
Download our tracking sheet

Online Exercise Resources

As part of our Action Plan for COVID-19, Parkinson Canada has compiled a list of resources to support living well with Parkinson's, including print and video exercise resources.

The situation in Canada is changing rapidly and for many of you, activities have been postponed that you looked forward to in your daily routine such as support groups, exercise and dance classes, boxing, art, and so much more while we cannot replace these events, we will strive to keep you informed and active.

View the Resources

SuperWalk SuperKids are here with crafty family ideas to keep busy and have fun!

SuperWalk SuperKids

Each week, the SuperWalk SuperKids will share a craft, game or activity to keep our SuperWalk community busy and active.

Please forward to anyone that may be interested in following the SuperKids, and please share your creations with us using the hashtag #superwalksuperkids.

Stay tuned to the playlist of videos on this page for updates, or watch our Facebook each Saturday.



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Parkinson Canada

© Parkinson Canada
4211 Yonge Street
Suite 316
Toronto ON M2P 2A9

Charitable Registration Number 10809 1786 RR0001

Phone: 416-227-9700
Toll Free: 1-800-565-3000
Fax: 416-227-9600

Parkinson Canada is accredited by Imagine Canada's Standards program, recognizing a quality of excellence in five fundamental areas: board governance, financial accountability and transparency, fundraising, staff management, and volunteer involvement.

Parkinson Canada