A summer challenge

Moving together toward a world without Parkinson's

The resources that follow are designed to help inspire and encourage physical and social activity. You should consult your physician or other health care professional before starting this or any other fitness program to determine if it is right for you. Parkinson Canada has a thorough action plan and collection of resources focused specifically on managing Parkinson's during this period.

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Senior's Exercise Classes: Hosted by Lance Letain

Class Schedule

Hosted live Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 2:30 Eastern Time.

Click to view live classes.

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About the Classes

Lance Letain plans SuperWalk events in Manitoba from Parkinson Canada's Winnipeg Office.

He is also certified through the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology (CSEP) and has been delivering these online exercise classes as a means of helping Canadians with Parkinson's meet the CSEP's Guidelines for 150 minutes of activity each week.

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PWR! Moves: Hosted by Randy Brotman

About the Classes

Join Randy Brotman, a certified PWR! Moves instructor, as she guides us through a Stretch and PWR! Moves program.

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Dancing with Parkinson's: Hosted by Sarah Robichaud

About the Classes

Join us as Sarah Robichaud, founder of Dancing with Parkinson’s (DWP), leads an online dance class. DWP’s mission is to bring seniors living with Parkinson’s out of isolation and into the artistic community where they can dance and connect with others.

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Nos commanditaires:

Burnbrae Farms

Parkinson Canada

© Parkinson Canada
4211 Yonge Street
Suite 316
Toronto ON M2P 2A9

Num?ro d’enregistrement d’organisme de bienfaisance 10809 1786 RR0001

T?l?phone : 416-227-9700
Sans frais : 1-800-565-3000
T?l?copieur : 416-227-9600

Parkinson Canada a obtenu l’agr?ment du Programme de normes d’Imagine Canada, t?moignant de l’excellence dans cinq domaines fondamentaux : gouvernance du conseil d’administration, responsabilit? financi?re et transparence, collecte de fonds, gestion du personnel et participation des b?n?voles.

Parkinson Canada