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About Parkinson's: Facts to Share

Use this information in your Parkinson Canada SuperWalk fundraising and social media efforts. These facts can strengthen your conversations around team-building and donations requests.

We've divided our facts into the following four areas:
Parkinson's Facts | Research Info | Research Examples | Support, Education and Advocacy

Parkinson's Disease

More than 25 Canadians are diagnosed with Parkinson's every day. By 2031 this number is projected to be 51 people a day! Put simply, the need for support is becoming more pressing. Parkinson Canada is a welcoming voice on the other end of the line for anyone, anywhere in Canada when adjusting to diagnosis and a source of support throughout their journey with Parkinson's. Further, they fund a Parkinson Canada Research Program which supports novel projects in search of a cure that will help us turn the clock from one per hour, down to zero.

Parkinson Canada: Research

Research Examples

"Our research puts disease management in the hands of patients. Non-motor symptoms affect quality of life, including depression, loss of sense of smell, sleep disturbances and changes in thinking ability. There have been a lot of little successes, including treatment of depression, and other non-motor symptoms. By funding these types of research, Parkinson Canada is leading the way in connecting all the pieces, motor, non-motor and psychosocial, to better understand (and treat) Parkinson's"

- Dr. Ron Postuma, Psychosocial Research Grant 2009-2011 -

Parkinson Canada: Support, Education and Advocacy

"Upon diagnosis I was welcomed into a new world - the Parkinson Community. And what a Community it is! The symbiotic relationships between Parkinson Canada, its support groups, and their members represents a true community. For I know full well that whatever I experience, the Parkinson Canada family will be right behind me with all the support and help they can muster... it is so reassuring to know that they are there."

- Heather Sinclair, a person living with Parkinson's, Port Hope -

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