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Fundraising Your Way for Parkinson Canada


Whether you got here directly, or via our Art4Parkinsons site, this site is where you can donate directly to Parkinson Canada and their great cause.

Art 4 Parkinson's is helping support people living with Parkinson’s through the auctioning of art in support of Parkinson Canada.

The Idea came from James McKenzie, who after developing a passion for painting figurines as a therapy for his Parkinson's, sought to turn his art therapy into something that gave back to his community. In his own words, "...I thought I would use that gift that was given to me and give back."

As part of ISI Foundation, Art 4 Parkinson's was formed to raise money and advocate awareness through the power of Art in Canada.

About the ISI Foundation:

The ISI Foundation is a registered not for profit in Canada founded by Insurance Supermarket Inc. to give back to the global community with proactive hands-on support and tangible aid such as food, clothing and volunteers.

Initiatives led by the ISI Foundation include Art4Parkinson’s as well as Relief4Ukraine which works to save the lives of Ukrainians affected by the war. In addition to securing food, clothing and other essentials, Relief4Ukraine also procures safe transportation to the borders and provides temporary shelter for thousands of Ukrainians in neighboring European countries.

The foundation was spearheaded by Alex Dudarev, CEO of Insurance Supermarket Inc.

For more information see the ISI Foundation website:

About Parkinson’s disease:

By 2031, the number of people living with Parkinson’s in Canada will more than double. I am planning my event to fund the increasing need for support services, education, advocacy and research. This is why I’m asking for your support today.

Help ensure Parkinson Canada is there for Canadians living with Parkinson’s today – while funding research into better treatments and one day, a cure.

To show your support, click the DONATE NOW button on the right hand side of the page, above the progress meter and achievements.


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