
2019 Northumberland group walk
2019 Northumberland group walk

Rogie's Rockets

Thanks for visiting our team page. 

This will be the sixth year for Rogie's Rockets participating in the Northumberland Parkinson's SuperWalk. As a team we are committed to supporting Parkinson's Canada. In doing so, Rogie's Rockets has made a contribution and are a gold sponsorship for the third year.

The need for support continues to increase as more than 25 Canadians are diagnosed with Parkinson's everyday - more than 1 person per hour. By the year 2031, the total number of Canadians with Parkinson's will more than double.

Participation in the SuperWalk will help fund the increased need for support services, education, advocacy, and research. Which is why we are asking for your support.

2021 continues to present some challenges with the Covid 19 restrictions.  However, we are committed to this event.  Parkinson's Canada is encouraging independent team walks, maintaining adequate social distancing, while continuing to raise awareness for this debilitating disease.

We appreciate all of your support over the last several years and hope we can once again count on you to visit our personal pages and making a donation.

We are walking to ensure Parkinson Canada is there for Canadians living with Parkinson's today, while funding research into better treatments and one day, a cure.


Every dollar raised means new hope. Thanks so very much!

Roger and Susan

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Team Name: Rogie's Rockets | Team Goal: $0.00

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Generously supported by
Burnbrae Farms logo
Air Canada Foundation logo
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