
The Up and Adam's

Adam and I are  walking in the Parkinson Canada SuperWalk to raise money for Parkinson Canada. As many of you know, Adam was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease 5 years ago - one year into his retirement. While he is managing it very well, we decided it was time to raise funds to support Parkinson's Canada by participating in the Parkinson's SuperWalk. This is our 2nd year participating and we would love for you to join us! There are a two ways you can support us: 

1. Join our team "The Up and Adams" by making a donation and participating in the 5km walk (or 1.5km option) in Cobourg on Sunday September 8, 2024. Registration begins at 9 am with the walk beginning at 11 am. After, you can join us back at the farm for a corn roast!

Use the link below to register and make a team donation.

2. If you are unable to join us for the walk, we would appreciate it if you would consider making a donation to Parkinson's Canada in support of Adam. You are able to use the link below to make a donation.

Thank you! We hope you are able to join us!

More than 100,000 Canadians live with Parkinson's, a number expected to increase substantially in the coming years, with 30 Canadians diagnosed each day.

Parkinson's is a disease that affects not only individuals but also families, friends and care partners who come together to manage the realities of Parkinson's.

Parkinson's is the fastest growing neurological disorder in the world. In the brain, nerves exchange signals through dopamine, a chemical that controls movement. Parkinson's symptoms occur when cells that produce dopamine die. Currently, there is no cure, and the need is only increasing. By 2031, the number of people living with Parkinson's in Canada will more than double. The support you provide makes a positive impact: improving the quality of life for people living with Parkinson's disease as well as finding a cure.

With your donation, we can help people with Parkinson's live a better life today and work toward a world without Parkinson's tomorrow.

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The Up and Adam's

$7,500.00 Raised


of $7,000.00 goal



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Generously supported by
Burnbrae Farms logo
Air Canada Foundation logo
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