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10 Steps to Fundraising Success Explained

  1. Share your story. Whether posting to social media, emailing your contacts, or talking about the event in person, sharing your personal reasons for supporting the event (like details on our partners with Parkinson’s) makes a really compelling case for your supporters. Customizing your personal page helps, too. Adding your own photo and telling friends and family about your life list dream when they arrive on your personal fundraising page really helps to motivate them to give.

  2. Own your goal. You just made a commitment to raise up to $1000 depending on your event (or more!) in support of Parkinson’s. That’s a big deal and it’s going to make a big impact. Be proud of that. Share it. And work toward meeting it.

  3. Start with those most likely to give. People like to ‘back a winner’ and will be more likely to donate the closer you get to your goal. Start by making a donation yourself to get the meter moving, and then ask those close to you to do the same. If you already have five donations for 20% of your goal before you ask more broadly, people will want to support you too. Better yet, if you know some donors who will give you bigger gifts, they’re the ones to really ask to help get the ball rolling.

  4. Share in different channels. You can’t raise money if you don’t ask! A few ideas:

    1. Email your contact list through our built in email tool, or, using your own email client.

    2. Post information about your event at the office, or around school.

    3. Update your social media profiles with a link to your personal page. Share regular updates on your goal, your progress, and your fundraising on Twitter, Facebook, and anywhere else.

  5. Video storytelling is a great tool. Go beyond the picture, if you can. Are you anxious about that commitment you just made to jump out of a plane?! Let people know. Post the video to your personal page and social properties… first hand story telling can really resonate.

  6. Thank your donors. It’s good manners, for one, and it makes people feel appreciated. Thanking them publicly is great acknowledgement and it might encourage more people to give, too. A tagged Facebook post thanking your University roommate for their contribution may just be the push your old dorm mates need to make their own gift.

  7. Ask again. Our research shows that 47% of people in Ontario say they will give to a fundraiser simply because a friend asked. It also shows that 42% of donations come after their first visit to your online fundraising page, proving that it doesn’t hurt to ask again. Seems crazy, right? But it works.

  8. Upcoming events and get-togethers can be a great way to fundraise. You don’t want to be asking for donations all the time, but if you’re pumped about your upcoming Life List experience let people know. You’d be surprised how many people will want to support you.

  9. Speaking of events. Have a birthday, anniversary, or other occasion coming up? Instead of another pair of socks, ask for your friends and family to help you in living a once in a lifetime experience!

  10. Have fun. Cliché? Sure. But, fundraising isn’t supposed to be hard and it’s certainly not supposed to feel like a burden. You’re doing good and you’re about to live a dream. Enjoy the journey.