Official Contest Rules and Regulations

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Parkinson SuperWalk Eggstraordinary Hope Contest

This contest is sponsored by Burnbrae Farms Limited and Parkinson Canada/Parkinson SuperWalk (“the Contest Sponsors”). The contest runs from 12:00:01 a.m. Eastern Time (E.T.) July 18, 2016 to 11:59:59 p.m. E.T. August 1, 2016 (the “Contest Period”).


The contest is open to residents of Canada who have reached the age of majority in the province or territory in which they reside. Employees (and persons with whom they are domiciled) of the Contest Sponsor, its agents and representatives, its parents, affiliates, subsidiaries and dealers, advertising and promotional agencies, as well as suppliers of materials or services related to this contest, including the independent contest judging organization (collectively, the “Contest Parties”), are not eligible to enter the contest.? By participating in this Contest, you agree to be legally bound by the terms and conditions of these Official Rules and Regulations (the “Rules”).


To enter on-line, visit and fully complete the entry form, which requires you to: (i) enter your full name, complete mailing address (including postal code), valid email address, telephone number; (ii)? agree to the terms and condition of these Official Rules and Regulations (the “Rules”); and (iii) answer a skill testing question.?? Once you have fully completed the entry form, click the “submit entry” button to complete your entry (the “Entry”).? To be eligible, your Entry must be received within the Contest Period.? All eligible Entries received during the Contest Period will be entered into the random prize draw (see Random Draw section).

Limit of one email entry and one Facebook entry per person/e-mail address per Contest Period. For greater certainty, you can only use one (1) email address to enter the Contest.? In the event it is discovered that you attempted to : (i) obtain more than one (1) Entry per person/email address during the Contest Period; or (ii) use (or attempt to use) multiple names, identities and/or more than one (1) email address to enter the Contest; then (in the sole and absolute discretion of the Sponsor) he/she may be disqualified from the Contest and all of his/her Entries are subject to disqualification.? Use any automated, script, macro, robotic or other program(s) to enter is prohibited and will automatically result in disqualification. All personal information obtained for this contest will be used only for the purposes of conducting the contest. Entries that are incomplete, late, delayed, misdirected, altered, irregular, have incorrectly answered the skill testing question, or have been submitted through illicit means, or do not conform to or satisfy any conditions of these official contest rules & regulations shall be disqualified. Although online access and an e-mail account are required in order to participate in the contest, no purchase is required: many public libraries, Internet caf?s, retail businesses and others offer access to the Internet and a number of Internet service providers and other companies offer free e-mail accounts.


There is one (1) Prize to be awarded.? Prize consists of: one (1) $50 Visa Gift Card), one (1) measuring cup, one (1) egg slicer, one (1) stress ball, one (1) water bottle, one (1) meat thermometer, one (1) magnet, one (1) pen, one (1) grocery bag, one (1) mixing bowl, six (6) free Naturegg shell egg product coupons (choice of Naturegg Omega Plus, Naturegg Omega 3 or Naturegg Nature’s Best), seven (7) free Naturegg Omega 3 Hard Boiled Egg Snack Pack (2 pack) product coupons, six (6) free Naturegg Simply Egg Whites (500 g) product coupons and six (6) free Egg Creations (500 g) product coupons, 'Everyday Heroes, Extraordinary Hope' cape, squeeze toy, lanyard and bandanna, plus one Burnbrae Farms and Parkinson Superwalk Hoodie. The Prize must be accepted as awarded, are non-transferable, non-refundable, non-saleable and cannot be redeemed for cash, except that the Contest Sponsor at its sole discretion reserves the right to substitute the prize for a prize of equal or greater value.? Prize will only be awarded to the person whose full name and valid email address appears on the official Contest entry form.

Random Draw

A Random Draw will be conducted by the independent contest judging organization in Mississauga, Ontario, at or about 2:00 pm E.T. August 5, 2016 to select one(1) eligible entrant from all eligible entries received during the Contest Period. Odds of being selected depend upon the total number of eligible entries received during the Contest Period.

Each selected entrant will be contacted by mail, courier or telephone? (using the information provided on the Entry Form), within five (5) business days of the draw date. If a selected entrant cannot be contacted within five (5) business days, or if there is a return of any notification as undeliverable; then he/she will be disqualified (and will forfeit all rights to the Prize) and the Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion, to randomly select an alternate eligible entrant from among the remaining eligible Entries (in which case the foregoing provisions of this section shall apply to such new selected entrant).

Before being declared a winner, the selected entrant will be required to sign a Declaration and Release Form (the “Release Form”) sign and return within ten (10) business days of notification the Sponsor’s Declaration and Release form (the “Release Form), which (among other things): (i) confirms compliance with these Rules; (ii) acknowledges acceptance of the Prize as awarded; (iii) releases the Releasees from any and all liability in connection with this Contest, his/her participation therein and/or the awarding and use/misuse of the Prize or any portion thereof; and (iv) agrees to the publication, reproduction and/or other use of his/her name, address, voice, statements about the Contest and/or photograph or other likeness without further notice or compensation, in any publicity or advertisement carried out by or on behalf of the Sponsor in any manner whatsoever, including print, broadcast or the internet.? If a selected entrant: (a) fails to correctly answer the skill-testing question; (b) fails to return the properly executed Contest documents within the specified time; and/or (c) cannot accept the Prize for any reason; then he/she will be disqualified (and will forfeit all rights to the Prize) and the Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion, to randomly select an alternate eligible entrant from among the remaining eligible Entries (in which case the foregoing provisions of this section shall apply to such new selected entrant).


By entering this contest, entrants accept and agree to abide by the official contest rules & regulations and the decisions of the independent contest organization with respect to all aspects of the contest, which are final, binding and conclusive on all matters relative to this contest. All entries become the permanent property of the Contest Sponsor and will not be returned. No correspondence will be entered into except with the selected entrants. This contest is subject to all applicable federal, provincial and municipal laws and is void where prohibited.

By entering this contest, the contest winners authorize the Contest Sponsor and their representatives to use in any related publicity, if required, their name, photograph, image, any statements they may make regarding the prize, place of residence and/or voice for advertising purposes worldwide in perpetuity and in any form of media including the Internet, without any form of compensation. By entering this Contest, each entrant expressly consents to the Sponsor, its agents and/or representatives, storing, sharing and using the personal information submitted with his/her Entry only for the purpose of administering the Contest and in accordance with Sponsor’s privacy statement (available at:, unless the entrant otherwise agrees.

All Entries are subject to verification.? The Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to require proof of identity and/or eligibility (in a form acceptable to the Sponsor) to participate in this Contest.? Failure to provide such proof in a timely manner may result in disqualification.? The sole determinant of the time for the purposes of a valid Entry in this Contest will be the Contest server machine(s).

The Contest Sponsor assumes no responsibility for lost, stolen, delayed, damaged or misdirected entries or for any failure of the web site during the promotional period, for any problems or technical malfunction of any telephone network or lines, computer on-line systems, servers, access providers, computer equipment, software, failure of any e-mail or entry to be received by the Contest Sponsor on account of technical problems or traffic congestion on the Internet or at any website, or any combination thereof including any injury or damage to an entrant’s or any other person’s computer related to or resulting from any material in the promotion. In the event of a dispute, entries made by Internet will be declared made by the Authorized Account Holder of the e-mail address submitted at time of entry. “Authorized Account Holder” is defined as the natural person who is assigned to an e-mail address by an Internet access provider, online service provider or other organization (e.g. business, educational institution, etc.) that is responsible for assigning e-mail addresses for the domain associated with the submitted e-mail address.

The Contest Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole discretion and subject to the consent of the R?gie des alcools, des courses et des jeux with respect to the province of Quebec to cancel or suspend this contest should a virus, bug or other cause beyond the reasonable control of the Contest Sponsor corrupt the security or proper administration of the contest. Any attempt to deliberately damage any web site or to undermine the legitimate operation of this promotion is a violation of criminal and civil laws, and should such an attempt be made, the Contest Sponsor reserves the right to seek remedies and damages to the fullest extent permitted by law, including criminal prosecution. Entries are subject to verification and will be declared invalid if they are illegible, mechanically reproduced, mutilated, forged, falsified, altered or tampered with in any way. Any person entering this contest or trying to do so by any means which go against the intention of these official contest rules & regulations and which would be unfair to the other participants will be automatically disqualified.

The Contest Sponsor, (or the independent contest organization) reserves the right to void any entry and/or cancel or modify the contest in whole or in part with no obligation or liability (without notice to entrants individually) if, in its sole subjective discretion, it determines that for any reason the contest is not capable of running as originally planned, fraud, technical failures, human, printing or distribution errors, or any causes or occurrences have compromised the administration, safety, fairness or integrity of the contest (subject, if applicable, to the approval of the R?gie des alcools, des courses et des jeux du Quebec).
For Quebec Residents: Any litigation respecting the conduct or organization of a contest in Quebec may be submitted to the R?gie des alcools, des courses et des jeux du Quebec for a ruling. Any litigation respecting the awarding of a prize may be submitted to the R?gie only for the purpose of helping the parties reach a settlement.

Intellectual Property

All intellectual property used by the Sponsor in connection with the promotion and/or administration of the Contest, including, without limitation, all trade-marks, trade names, logos, designs, promotional materials, web pages, source code, drawings, illustrations, slogans and representations are owned (or licensed, as the case may be) by the Sponsor and/or its affiliates. All rights are reserved. Unauthorized copying or use of any such intellectual property without the express written consent of its owner is strictly prohibited.

Social Media

This Contest is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with Facebook. You understand that you are providing your information to the Sponsor and not to Facebook. The information you provide will be used for the administration of this Contest and in accordance with the Sponsor’s privacy policy (see below). Facebook is hereby completely released of all liability by each entrant in this Contest. Any questions, comments or complaints regarding the Contest must be directed to the Sponsor and not to Facebook. You may only use one (1) Facebook account (the “Account”) to participate in this Contest. To be eligible to earn an entry, your Account must be set to public and not private.

Language Discrepancy

In the event of any discrepancy or inconsistency between the terms and conditions of these English Rules and disclosures or other statements contained in any Contest-related materials, including, but not limited to: the Contest entry form, French version of these Rules, and/or point of sale, television, print or online advertising; the terms and conditions of these English Rules shall prevail, govern and control. A copy of the rules in French language is available upon request.

Governing Law

This Contest is subject to all applicable provincial and local laws.? The Contest and Official Rules are governed and interpreted by the laws of Canada, without regard to its conflict of law provisions.

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