Welcome to the Pedaling for Parkinson’s Prince Edward County Ride

The Prince Edward County Ride has transitioned to a third-party community group ride. We have created this event page so you can access the same fundraising tools, resources, and will receive your rewards when you hit the fundraising milestones.

Join fellow cyclists as we ride together through the beautiful landscapes of Prince Edward County. A ride leader will guide each group through the 40km and 75km routes. There will also be route maps provided to help everyone stay on route. Since this ride is not fully supported we will not have rest stops or a bike mechanic, so please come prepared with everything you need to complete the ride.

When you ride with us or donate - whether it be money or your equally valuable time - you ensure that a full, vibrant life is still possible for over 110,000 peopleliving with Parkinson’s in Canada.

40km Route - https://ridewithgps.com/routes/42748408
75km Route - https://ridewithgps.com/routes/42748379

*The routes linked here are from 2024 and are subject to change.

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