Welcome to The Capital Ride
We are excited to bring you a new Pedaling for Parkinson's ride in Ottawa. The Capital Ride has route options for all riders, ranging from a 20km to 100km. Join us for the inaugural ride and help ensure that a full, vibrant life is still possible for over 110,000 people living with Parkinson's in Canada.
Stay tuned to this page for additional information. We will add the schedule of events, updated route maps, and any site-specific information required as it becomes available.
Event Details

- Registration - 7:00 am
- 100km riders start their ride - 8:00 am
- 60km riders start their ride - 9:30 am
- 40km riders start their ride - 10:30 am
- 20km riders start their ride - 11:30 pm
- Celebratory BBQ - Starting at 12 pm until all riders return!
Location: KIN Vineyards
Time: 7:00 am - 3:00 pm
20km Route - https://ridewithgps.com/routes/49597710
40km Route - https://ridewithgps.com/routes/49196454
60km Route - https://ridewithgps.com/routes/49196451
100km Route - https://ridewithgps.com/routes/49134108
Submitting Donations
There is a $500 fundraising minimum for all riders. This allows us to cover the cost of the event while ensuring that funds can be directed toward critical research, providing information and support, increasing awareness and advocating for improved healthcare outcomes for people with Parkinson's across Canada. If you need help with your fundraising, keep an eye out for our emails where we'll share tips & tricks to help you reach the minimum, or email us at pedaling@parkinson.ca.
If you don't meet the fundraising minimum by event day, you can still ride, but you will need to fundraise or self-pledge the balance before you will be able to register for next year's event.