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Workplace Fundraising

Co-workers are an excellent starting point for recruiting team members or to make a gift toward your goal. Below are 10 tips to get you started:

  1. Combine Life Lists Challenge with existing Team Building efforts.?Trust us, your HR department is going to love this idea - the act of collectively making a difference is a great team building exercise and nothing makes people feel connected like jumping out of a plane together! We’re happy to connect with someone at your organization and help get this started. Let us know you’d like some help at lifelistschallenge@parkinson.ca. Or, feel free to share our Corporate Engagement deck with the appropriate person at your office.

  2. Start early. Let your colleagues know you’re involved as soon as you register online. This one sounds obvious, but excitement can build really quickly once people know you’re involved.

  3. Ask to speak at a company or team meeting. Telling your story and asking others to join or support you in a group setting allows those touched by Parkinson’s to take the first step by indicating interest. Also, it’s often your story that motivates others to act.

  4. Post information in your workspace and public places in the office. Place posters in the break room and bathroom stalls. Be sure to leave a sign-up sheet in your workspace in case you are not around.

  5. Include a blurb in your company newsletter. Briefly share your connection to the cause, a current statistic or update about Parkinson’s?and a call to action such as ‘Join my team and live your dream with me this May in the fight against Parkinson’s.’

  6. Ask your location manager or company CEO to send an email on your behalf. Invite your co-workers to get involved in the fight by joining your Life Lists Challenge team! Ask your manager or CEO to send this e-mail expressing his/her excitement about seeing their team band together for such a great cause. You’re going to grow your support base, and, the company wins by promoting corporate social responsibility and team building.

  7. Offer incentives. Conduct a raffle or offer a small gift certificate to the first five people who join your team. This will encourage people to sign up quickly.

  8. Get the word out. Let your co-workers know you are looking for team members. They may know someone in another department or building who would love to hear from you.

  9. Set up a table at lunch. Choose a spot where you’ll get to meet people you don’t work with every day. It’s a great opportunity to share your passion, answer questions and register co-workers on the spot.

  10. Finally, make it fun! Excitement is contagious and living a dream together is an easy sell. Continuously update your co-workers on your efforts, success, updates from our partners with Parkinson’s and fundraising milestones reached. They’ll see how committed you are, and want to be a part of the fight!